Thursday 1 September 2011


Although this Blog has not been updated on a regular basis, it does not mean that our writers' group has ceased to be.

We meet each month at the meeting rooms of the Clifton Library and Community Centre which is something we have done since the founding of the group in 2005.

The aim of our group is to support local writers, to pass on relevant information, to offer helpful criticism when requested and to inspire each other to keep writing.
Our monthly assignment topics have produced some wonderful works. We try to add a brief and enjoyable writing exercise during the meetings and the results are very surprising and often amusing.

One of the positive outcomes of having this Blog drifting about in cyberspace has been the number of people who have contacted me for further information about the group.

I believe the reasons our group has endured are twofold.

Firstly, we charge no fees and it is not compulsory to participate in the written assignments.

Secondly, we use email to communicate to members who are unable to attend meetings. Written works and news are sent on to all members via the Internet.

Recently we have set projects for the group.

In October 2011 we will launch our audio book with stories and poetry.

In October 2012 we will produce a play, written by our members, with the help of volunteers and using the local hall. Any profits from the entry fee will be donated to local charities.

I will return with more information about both of these projects.